About Me



Juggle knot Education

Aka’demi-clee, I currently attend LACHSA (Los Angeles County High School for the Arts) on the campus of Cal State L.A.  Interestingly enough, I am attending the school as a vocal major where I study Opera, Musical Theatre and yelling at my friends from across the campus.

I started taking classical violin lessons with Paul Stein (of the L.A. Philharmonic) when I was 3 ½. When he moved he recommended another teacher (a former student of his) and I studied with her until I was about nine and she had prodded me with a sharpened pencil one too many times for not standing still.  Not wanting me to give up playing music, my parents surrounded me with a variety of music all the time.  What stuck out for me was Celtic Music.  I’ve been playing it ever since. (About 10 years).  Four years ago I picked up the mandolin at a music camp called Sweets Mill, which my mother has been taking me to since I was five years old.

Have studied with Mike Marshall

Groundlings Improv Workshop

Valerie Peri’s Musical Theatre workshop

I play mostly a variety of rare Celtic Jigs, Reels, and Hornpipes (and by variety I mean that the titles of the tunes are extremely different from one another) with the occasional popular piece so people don’t think I’m just playing the same song over and over again.  Along with the Celtic Music I play some traditional bluegrass as well as some old-time tunes.  I am starting to take up Classical Mandolin which basically means I’m playing transposed violin pieces from a method book and practicing them on Mando, but I will not be offering that for hire just yet.  


Celtic artCeltic artCeltic art